Position: Postdoc Position in Preclinical Research

Abteilung: Pediatric Neurooncology at DKFZ and KiTZ

Kennziffer: 2024-0174

Das Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum ist das größte biomedizinische Forschungszentrum Deutschlands. Mit über 3.000 Beschäftigten betreiben wir ein umfangreiches wissenschaftliches Programm auf dem Gebiet der Krebsforschung.

Survival rates for children with solid tumours, including brain tumours, have largely stagnated over the past 30 years. Although the unique biology of childhood solid tumours offers distinct vulnerabilities, many oncogenic driver events were previously considered ‘undruggable’. With advances in targeted protein degradation and chemical interventions to inhibit protein-protein interactions, it has recently become feasible to target such oncogenes, providing the basis for novel innovative interventions.

The project "PROTECT" (Harnessing protein degradation for advanced childhood tumours) involves 9 research institutions around the globe and is part of the Cancer Grand Challenge, funded by the Cancer Research UK, the National Cancer Institute, the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and KiKa (Children Cancer Free Foundation) providing more than 25 million dollars over five years. To fuel the next wave of improvements in childhood cancer outcomes, the consortium aims at utilizing innovative compounds such as protein degraders and molecular glues to target unique drivers of childhood cancers. These comprise, but are not limited to, genetic fusion events that act as key drives across various different paediatric cancer entities and therefore pose ideal targets of high, unmet clinical need.

The applicant will accompany the development of multiple compounds at various stages of development and team up with experts in medicinal chemistry, cancer biology, paediatric preclinical research, and clinical trials. As a last step of this pipeline, the advertised project focusses on prioritizing most promising compounds to conduct preclinical validation both in house and through our collaboration partner ITCC-P4 (www.itccp4.com). To this end, the applicant will be able to leverage an existing array of in vivo models to evaluate dosing, scheduling, toxicity, and potential combination therapies.

For more info:


Ihre Aufgaben:

We are in search of a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher responsible for preclinical testing of new compounds for treating paediatric cancers. This is an exciting opportunity to work closely with international experts in medicinal chemistry, paediatric cancer biology and preclinical research to develop novel degraders targeting paediatric cancer drivers. The applicant will be responsible for mirroring clinical phase I and II studies in a preclinical setting, including dose-finding, toxicity assessments and PK/PD studies across various models. The applicant will study the mechanisms of action of specific paediatric targets using cell- and animal-based systems as well as analyse RNA expression datasets from paediatric cancer tissues.


Ihr Profil:

Applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent) in biology, genomics, medicinal biology or a related field. They must possess hands-on experience working with mice, coupled with expertise in preclinical research utilizing both cell and mouse models. Experience in analysing RNASeq data and a background in oncology research would be advantageous. The ideal candidate should have a strong interest in developing advanced therapeutic approaches for paediatric cancers. Excellent communication and organization skills and proficiency in English are mandatory.

Applicants should be highly motivated, hard-working team players who enjoy working in an international team and are passionate about making a difference through cancer research. Close interdisciplinary cooperation with global project partners is expected from the postholder.


Wir bieten:

  • Hervorragende Rahmenbedingungen: modernste state-of-the-art Infrastruktur und Möglichkeit zum internationalen Austausch auf Spitzenniveau
  • Vergütung nach TV-L inkl. betrieblicher Altersvorsorge und vermögenswirksamer Leistungen
  • 30 Tage Urlaub
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Möglichkeit zur mobilen Arbeit und Teilzeitarbeit
  • Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld u.a. je nach Standort mit Eltern-Kind-Zimmer, Beratungsangeboten bspw. durch betriebliche Pflegelots:innen
  • Nachhaltig zur Arbeit: Vergünstigtes Deutschland-Jobticket
  • Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: Zugang zum DKFZ International Postdoc Program und dem DKFZ Career Service mit gezielten Angebote für Ihre persönliche Entwicklung fördern Ihre Talente
  • Unser betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement bietet ein ganzheitliches Angebot für Ihr Wohlbefinden

Wichtiger Hinweis:

Das DKFZ unterliegt den Vorschriften des Infektionsschutzgesetzes (IfSG). Dies hat zur Folge, dass am DKFZ nur Personen tätig werden dürfen, die einen Immunitätsnachweis gegen Masern vorlegen.

Beginn: as soon as possible

Befristung: Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 2 Jahre befristet. Eine Verlängerung ist möglich.

Bewerbungsschluss: 19.07.2024

Weitere Informationen: 

Herr Dr. Marc Zuckermann 
Telefon +49 6221 42 4637

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