Bioinformatic PhD Student in Translational Immunology

Kennziffer: 2025-0033

  • Heidelberg
  • Full-time
  • Clinical Cooperation Unit "Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology"

„Forschen für ein Leben ohne Krebs“ – das ist unsere Aufgabe am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum. Wir erforschen, wie Krebs entsteht, erfassen Krebsrisikofaktoren und suchen nach neuen Strategien, die verhindern, dass Menschen an Krebs erkranken. Wir entwickeln neue Methoden, mit denen Tumore präziser diagnostiziert und Krebspatient:innen erfolgreicher behandelt werden können. Jeder Beitrag zählt – ob in der Forschung, in der Administration oder der Infrastruktur. Das macht unsere tägliche Arbeit so bedeutungsvoll und spannend.

The Clinical Cooperation Unit "Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology", headed by Prof. Dr. med. Michael Platten, is seeking a

Cancer is constantly evolving, and so is the way we treat it. The advent of high-throughput single-cell sequencing means we can understand the interaction between tumor cells and the immune system in unprecedented depth. In Professor Platten’s research group at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Neurology Clinic at UMM, we are working to convert this data into clinically relevant information by applying the latest analytical techniques, as well as developing our own tools. Most recently, we have shown that it is possible to train a machine learning model to identify tumor-reactive T cells infiltrating any tumor type, cutting months off the time it takes to develop personalized cell therapies for patients.

We continue to explore how to combine patient sequencing, high-throughput testing, and machine learning in CENTRIC:BRAIN, an ERC Advanced Grant project looking at characterising and harnessing tumor-reactive T cells in the brain.

As part of this project, we are recruiting a PhD student with a track record of bioinformatics experience. We offer an exceptional learning environment with many experienced postdoc colleagues, excellent scientific facilities and funding, and a flat, inclusive hierarchy where everyone is expected to contribute. We are looking for a collaborative, ambitious, meticulous, scientifically adventurous, and curiosity-driven scientist to join our team translating basic research into tools for patients.

Prior experience of bioinformatics (at least 6 months) is required for this role; experience of single-cell sequencing, machine learning, or an experimental background in (tumor) immunology would be advantageous.

Due to the close connection to the Immune Monitoring Unit (NCT) and the University Clinic Mannheim, we offer access to patient-derived single-cell sequencing and bulk sequencing data collected from diverse samples (e.g., tumor and peripheral blood) across multiple time points. Further, collaborative working environment fostering exploratory project ideas and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies from both academia and industry.


Ihre Aufgaben: 

  • Analysis and curation of multi-omics data, in particular single-cell sequencing datasets
  • Analysis of patient immune repertoire datasets, in particular TCR repertoires
  • Contribution to the development of bioinformatic tools and pipelines
  • Contribution to high-throughput assay development, for example by managing our lab automation systems or conducting high-throughput functional assays using high-content imaging systems

Ihr Profil:

  • M.Sc. degree in biochemistry, biology, genetics, physics, mathematics or related disciplines (to be completed within the next 3 months if not already)
  • Experience in bioinformatics (R/Python, optimally also pipeline tools such as Nextflow/Docker/Snakemake)
  • Strong interest in translational tumor immunology, familiarity with immunology terms and data
  • Good command of written and oral English
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team

Unser Angebot:

  • Hervorragende Rahmenbedingungen: modernste state-of-the-art Infrastruktur und Möglichkeit zum internationalen Austausch auf Spitzenniveau
  • Zugang zu internationalen Forschungs-Netzwerken
  • Doktorandengehalt mit den üblichen Sozialleistungen
  • 30 Tage Urlaub
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Möglichkeit zur mobilen Arbeit und Teilzeitarbeit
  • Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld
  • Nachhaltig zur Arbeit: Vergünstigtes Deutschland-Jobticket
  • Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: gezieltes Training und Mentoring durch das DKFZ International PhD Program und den DKFZ Career Service
  • Unser betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement bietet ein ganzheitliches Angebot für Ihr Wohlbefinden

Sie sind interessiert?

Dann werden auch Sie Teil des DKFZ und tragen gemeinsam mit uns zu einem Leben ohne Krebs bei!
Ihre Ansprechperson:
Dr. Edward Greene
Telefon: +49(0)6221/42-3859
Befristung: Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet.
Bewerbungsschluss: 26.02.2025

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