PhD Student in Modeling Pediatric Cancer using Cerebellar Organoids
Kennziffer: 2024-0369
- Heidelberg
- Full-time
- Developmental Origins of Pediatric Cancer
„Forschen für ein Leben ohne Krebs“ – das ist unsere Aufgabe am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum. Wir erforschen, wie Krebs entsteht, erfassen Krebsrisikofaktoren und suchen nach neuen Strategien, die verhindern, dass Menschen an Krebs erkranken. Wir entwickeln neue Methoden, mit denen Tumore präziser diagnostiziert und Krebspatient:innen erfolgreicher behandelt werden können. Jeder Beitrag zählt – ob in der Forschung, in der Administration oder der Infrastruktur. Das macht unsere tägliche Arbeit so bedeutungsvoll und spannend.
For a project with the title "Novel models of medulloblastoma using cerebellar organoids" the Junior Group "Developmental Origins of Pediatric Cancer" is seeking a
Medulloblastoma, an embryonal malignancy of the cerebellum, accounts for an unacceptably high proportion of cancer-related deaths among infants and children. The WHO recognizes at least four molecular groups of medulloblastoma: WNT, SHH, Group 3 and Group 4, each characterized by distinct molecular landscapes and clinical features. Genomic analyses of large patient cohorts have revealed substantial heterogeneity within these molecular groups, and distinct subgroups within the parental molecular groups have been identified. To improve outcomes and quality of life for survivors, (sub)group-specific treatments are urgently needed, necessitating the generation of faithful and well-characterized preclinical models. Despite advancements in genetically engineered mouse models, current models are heavily biased towards specific subgroups and genotypes (i.e., predominantly SHH and MYC-driven Group 3). The paucity of accurate human MB models for investigating the mechanistic basis of Group 3/4 MB pathogenesis represents a significant hurdle that must be overcome to foster the development, evaluation, and future implementation of curative treatments for affected children.
For more information about our junior group, please see:
Ihre Aufgaben:
The goal of the PhD project is to build, characterize, and rationally exploit a technically innovative platform of novel preclinical medulloblastoma models derived from human cerebellar organoids, and to determine how different oncodrivers alter developmental trajectories and initiate tumorigenesis in vitro. Given the rarity of pediatric brain tumors and the difficulty in maintaining primary patient tissue in the lab, this project will provide us with the opportunity to expand to new tumor types and systems, which was previously not possible. The starting date is flexible.
Ihr Profil:
This project uses iPSC technologies and cerebellar organoids and will also require 20-30% mouse work. Experience in brain development or cancer mechanisms is desired, but not required. Practical experience in cell culture (ideally iPSC or organoid technologies), molecular biology, and/or animal work is desired, but not required. The student should also be highly motivated, function well both in a diverse, international team and independently.
Please submit a cover letter/letter of motivation describing why you'd like to join our lab and this project specifically, your CV, MSc/BSc transcripts and the contact information for 2 references via our online application tool.
Unser Angebot:
- Hervorragende Rahmenbedingungen: modernste state-of-the-art Infrastruktur und Möglichkeit zum internationalen Austausch auf Spitzenniveau
- Zugang zu internationalen Forschungs-Netzwerken
- Doktorandengehalt mit den üblichen Sozialleistungen
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten
- Möglichkeit zur Teilzeitarbeit
- Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld
- Nachhaltig zur Arbeit: Vergünstigtes Deutschland-Jobticket
- Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: gezieltes Training und Mentoring durch das DKFZ International PhD Program und den DKFZ Career Service
- Unser betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement bietet ein ganzheitliches Angebot für Ihr Wohlbefinden
Sie sind interessiert?
Dr. Lena Kutscher
Telefon: +49 6221/42-4622