Full Professorship (W3) for "Immunology" – Successor Prof. Dr. Hans-Reimer Rodewald

Kennziffer: 2024-0378

  • Heidelberg
  • Full-time
  • Scientific Management Board

„Forschen für ein Leben ohne Krebs“ – das ist unsere Aufgabe am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum. Wir erforschen, wie Krebs entsteht, erfassen Krebsrisikofaktoren und suchen nach neuen Strategien, die verhindern, dass Menschen an Krebs erkranken. Wir entwickeln neue Methoden, mit denen Tumore präziser diagnostiziert und Krebspatient:innen erfolgreicher behandelt werden können. Jeder Beitrag zählt – ob in der Forschung, in der Administration oder der Infrastruktur. Das macht unsere tägliche Arbeit so bedeutungsvoll und spannend.

The DKFZ, together with the Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University, is looking for an internationally outstanding scientist specialized in the field of immunology. The ideal candidate will conduct a pioneering research program focusing on the characterization of mechanisms that influence the development of immune cell responses against viral infections and cancer with a particular focus on T cells and NK cells. This joint appointment will be an integral part of the new research program “Immunology, Infection and Cancer”, and will significantly strengthen it with additional expertise in infection and tumor immunology. The professorship will further develop the research field of immunology on an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional basis embracing innovative research fields such as tumor-asscoiated microbiome, immunometabolism and synthetic immunology. The professorship is expected to make a significant contribution to further expanding Heidelberg's leading international position in the field of immunology, as well as further strengthening and consolidating the strategic alliance between the DKFZ and Medical Faculty Heidelberg at Heidelberg University.

The candidate will work closely with other divisions and instituts in the field of immunology, infection biology and tumor immunology, developing novel concepts that can be applied to other human diseases. We are looking for a candidate with a strong focus on basic immunology who is interested in the differentiation and plasticity of immune cells in infectious diseases and cancer in model systems and in humans in the context of tumor and infectious diseases. The candidate should have a strong desire to work with institutions and clinical units on the Heidelberg campus that focus on translational research in infectious diseases and tumor immunology in order to co-develop innovative immune interventions for the treatment of these diseases. The ideal candidate will also have comprehensive knowledge in clinical immunology, microbiology or virology to bridge her/his research program to the University Hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim, the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) and the translational networks (German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) and German Center for Infectious Diseases (DZIF)).

The W3-Professorship will be established as part of the new Immunology, Infection and Cancer research program at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). This research program is complemented by a number of DKFZ research divisions and groups in the fields of genomics, data science and clinical translation. The successful candidate will have access to the research networks of the DKFZ and the National Cancer Prevention Center (NCPC) in Heidelberg, which is currently being established in a partnership between the DKFZ and the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe), DKTK, NCT, the network of Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCC) of the German Cancer Aid and other research alliances at national and international level.

Prerequisites for the application are a completed university degree, a qualifying doctorate (MD and/or PhD in life sciences) and other recruitment requirements specified in § 47 and § 48 (2) of the Baden-Württemberg State Higher Education Act (LHG). The joint appointment follows the “Jülicher Modell”, where the successful candidate will be appointed as a full and lifetime professor at Heidelberg University and granted a leave of absence to the DKFZ to lead the division “Immunology”. If the general civil service and budgetary requirements are met, the appointment to the professorship is usually made directly on the basis of a lifetime civil servant status (Beamtenverhältnis auf Lebenszeit).

We encourage candidates who have an outstanding track record of impactful, groundbreaking publications and independent, internationally competitively acquired third-party funding to apply. The successful candidate should demonstrate leadership qualities in terms of guiding and mentoring junior scientists and have the ability to foster a scientifically stimulating and inclusive research environment.

Applications must be submitted by January 17, 2025, including curriculum vitae, copies of certificates and degrees, list of publications, a research concept, and a list of teaching experience through the DKFZ online application tool (www.dkfz.de/jobs) to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Baumann, Scientific Director and Chair of the Management Board, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), as well as to Prof. Dr. Michael Boutros, Dean of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University via the application management of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg (https://berufungsportal.medizinische-fakultaet-hd.uni-heidelberg.de). We ask for your understanding that application documents submitted by mail will not be returned.

Unser Angebot:

  • A highly supportive research environment at the DKFZ, the National Cancer Prevention Center (NCPC) and the wider scientific community including Heidelberg University as well as opportunities for national and international networking at the highest level
  • Campus with modern state-of-the-art infrastructure and core facilities
  • Compensation according to German W3 score equivalent
  • 30 Tage Urlaub
  • Möglichkeit zur mobilen Arbeit und Teilzeitarbeit
  • Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld
  • Nachhaltig zur Arbeit: Vergünstigtes Deutschland-Jobticket
  • Administrative support for extramural grant application
  • Unser betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement bietet ein ganzheitliches Angebot für Ihr Wohlbefinden

Sie sind interessiert?

Dann werden auch Sie Teil des DKFZ und tragen gemeinsam mit uns zu einem Leben ohne Krebs bei!
Ihre Ansprechperson:
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Michael Baumann
Telefon: +49 (0)6221/42-2850
Befristung: Die Stelle ist unbefristet.
Bewerbungsschluss: 17.01.2025
Bewerbungen per E-Mail können leider nicht angenommen werden. ​
Wir sind davon überzeugt: ein innovatives Forschungs- und Arbeitsumfeld lebt von der Vielfalt seiner Beschäftigten. Daher freuen wir uns über Bewerbungen von talentierten Menschen, unabhängig von Geschlecht, kulturellem Hintergrund, Nationalität, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, sexueller Identität, körperlichen Fähigkeiten, Religion und Alter. Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt.
Hinweis: Wir unterliegen den Vorschriften des Infektionsschutzgesetzes (IfSG). Deshalb müssen alle unsere Beschäftigten einen Immunitätsnachweis gegen Masern vorlegen.

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