//TEST//(Senior) Bioinformatician / Data Scientist //TEST//
Kennziffer: 2023-0284
- Mainz
- Vollzeit
- HI-TRON Mainz - mRNA Cancer Immunotherapy

„Forschen für ein Leben ohne Krebs“ – das ist unsere Aufgabe am Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum. Wir erforschen, wie Krebs entsteht, erfassen Krebsrisikofaktoren und suchen nach neuen Strategien, die verhindern, dass Menschen an Krebs erkranken. Wir entwickeln neue Methoden, mit denen Tumore präziser diagnostiziert und Krebspatient:innen erfolgreicher behandelt werden können.
The Helmholtz Institute HI-TRON is a collaboration of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) with the Research Institute for Translational Oncology at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (TRON gGmbH), the University Medical Center Mainz and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The goal of the partnership is to develop effective immunotherapies and to identify novel biomarkers for assessing the effectiveness of treatment.
Ihre Aufgaben:
We are looking for an experienced bioinformatician / data scientist to lead data analysis, integration and management in the field of mRNA cancer immunotherapies. The position will serve to support a translational research group at HI-TRON Mainz led by Prof. Dr. Uğur Şahin, who is member of the HI-TRON Mainz Scientific Management Board. Candidates with relevant experience will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with scientists and clinicians across partner institutions and gain experience in mentoring graduate students.
The focus of the position is to run and refine multi-omics analyses, data management and data visualization workflows:
- Design and implementation of an integrated data platform based on existing solutions
- Development of omics-data workflows for biomarker discovery
- Support and consult researchers with planning of data production and data analysis
Ihr Profil:
- Degree (BA, MSc) in bioinformatics, informatics or a related field (PhD is an advantage)
- 3+ years of working experience in computational biology, bioinformatics or similar
- Strong programming skills (e.g. Python, R, ...)
- Solid experience with UNIX-like systems and machine learning; cloud computing knowledge is a plus
- Experience in the analysis of NGS data
- Experience working with version control systems (e.g. GitHub, GitLab) is a plus
- Familiarity with developing and maintaining workflow tools (Snakemake, Nextflow) is a plus
- Excellent English communication skills
- High degree of flexibility, initiative and perseverance
Unser Angebot:
- Barrierefreiheit
- 30 Tage Urlaub
- Betriebsarzt
- Entfalten Sie Ihr volles Potenzial: gezielte Angebote für Ihre persönliche Entwicklung fördern Ihre Talente
- Essenszulage
- Familienfreundliches Arbeitsumfeld
- Firmenhandy