Postdoc in Cancer Epigenomics

Reference number: 2025-0031

  • Heidelberg
  • Full-time
  • Cancer Epigenomics

“Research for a life without cancer" is our mission at the German Cancer Research Center. We investigate how cancer develops, identify cancer risk factors and look for new cancer prevention strategies. We develop new methods with which tumors can be diagnosed more precisely and cancer patients can be treated more successfully. Every contribution counts – whether in research, administration or infrastructure. This is what makes our daily work so meaningful and exciting.

The German Cancer Research Center is seeking for the next possible date a

The Division of Cancer Epigenomics (, headed by Prof. Dr. Christoph Plass, is a dynamic research team focused on understanding epigenetic contributions to carcinogenesis and therapy resistance in solid tumors (lung [1], breast [2], prostate [3]) and leukemia [4] with a focus on state-of-the-art wet lab technologies and computational solutions [5,6]).

1. Llamazares-Prada M, Schwartz U, Pease DF, Pohl ST, Ackesson D, Li R, Behrendt A, Tamas R, Richter M, Muley T, et al: Epigenetic deregulation of IFN and WNT pathways in AT2 cells impairs alveolar regeneration. bioRxiv 2023.
2. Zhang G, Jurinovic V, Bartels S, Christgen M, Christgen H, Kandt LD, Raap M, Klein J, Katzke A-L, Hofmann W, et al: Development and validation of multivariate predictors of primary endocrine resistance to tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors in luminal breast cancer reveal drug-specific differences. medRxiv 2023.
3. Gerhauser C, Favero F, Risch T, Simon R, Feuerbach L, Assenov Y, Heckmann D, Sidiropoulos N, Waszak SM, Hübschmann D, et al: Molecular Evolution of Early-Onset Prostate Cancer Identifies Molecular Risk Markers and Clinical Trajectories. Cancer Cell 2018, 34:996-1011 e1018.
4. Weichenhan D, Riedel A, Sollier E, Toprak UH, Hey J, Breuer K, Wierzbinska JA, Touzart A, Lutsik P, Bahr M, et al: Altered enhancer-promoter interaction leads to MNX1 expression in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with t(7;12)(q36;p13). Blood Adv 2024, 8:5100-5111.
5. Scherer M, Singh I, Braun M, Szu-Tu C, Kardorff M, Rühle J, Frömel R, Beneyto-Calabuig S, Raffel S, Rodriguez-Fraticelli A, Velten L: Somatic epimutations enable single - cell lineage tracing in native hematopoiesis across the murine and human lifespan. bioRxiv 2024
6. Kelly K, Scherer M, Braun MM, Lutsik P, Plass C: EpiCHAOS: a metric to quantify epigenomic heterogeneity in single-cell data. Genome Biol 2024, 25:305.


Your Tasks

While the genetic components of therapy resistance have been extensively studied in various cancer types, non-genetic, including epigenetic, mechanisms of therapy resistance remain largely unexplored. Multiple mechanisms, including pre-existing persister cells or acquired resistance mediated by cell plasticity, will be tested in experimental model systems and patient-derived material using state-of-the-art single-cell epigenomic technologies.   

During this project, the candidate will use existing model systems (iPSCs, cancer cell lines, PDX, genetically engineered mouse models and patient-derived tumor material) to understand epigenetic dysregulation leading to non-genetic therapy resistance. Using CRISPR technology the candidate will investigate common mechanisms of cancer therapy resistance across the different cancer entities studied in the department, including solid tumors (lung, breast, prostate) or leukemia.

Specifically, the candidate will generate bulk (e.g., ACT-seq, ATAC-seq, WGS data) and single-cell epigenomic (scRNA-seq, scATAC-seq, scTAM-seq) data of the model systems with and without therapeutic pressure to understand epigenetic mechanisms of therapy resistance.

Your Profile

We are looking for a highly motivated molecular cancer biologist with a PhD degree who has an interest in cancer research and is able to work in teams with computational scientists.

The candidate should have the following skills:

  • Good knowledge in molecular biology with a focus on (epi)genomic profiling
  • Experience in CRISPR technologies
  • Interest in interdisciplinary research
  • Knowledge of epigenomic data analysis is a plus
  • Fluency in English, German language skills are not required

We Offer

  Excellent framework conditions: state-of-the-art equipment and opportunities for international networking at the highest level

  Remuneration according to TV-L incl. occupational pension plan and capital-forming payments

  30 days of vacation per year

  Flexible working hours

  Possibility of part-time work

  Family-friendly working environment

  Sustainable travel to work: subsidized Germany job ticket

  Our Corporate Health Management Program offers a holistic approach to your well-being

  Develop your full potential: access to the DKFZ International Postdoc Program and DKFZ Career Service with targeted offers for your personal development to further develop your talents

Are you interested?

Then become part of the DKFZ and join us in contributing to a life without cancer!


 Michael Scherer
Phone: +49 6221 42 3309

Duration: The position is initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of prolongation.
Application Deadline: 26.02.2025
Applications by e-mail cannot be accepted.
Please also note that we cannot return applications submitted by post.

We are convinced that an innovative research and working environment thrives on the diversity of its employees. Therefore, we welcome applications from talented people, regardless of gender, cultural background, nationality, ethnicity, sexual identity, physical ability, religion and age. People with severe disabilities are given preference if they have the same aptitude.

Notice: We are subject to the regulations of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG). Therefore, all our employees must provide proof of immunity against measles.

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